Content tips, no claws

10 steps to help you boost your content marketing – without using kittens.

UXB London is all about helping clients make the most of digital technology. We've been using an inbound marketing platform recently to help clients make the most of content automation.

Here's some practical advice gleaned from the experience.

Set realistic goals: Understand your conversion routes so you can direct your content. Do you need a manual sales process, such as securing marketing qualified leads (MQLs) online but converting them offline?

Dangle the carrot: It's tough to get visitors to share their details. Boost your data capture via online forms by offering customers something in return. This could be an article, video or webinar.

Understand your audience: Segment your data capture into personas, based on what people tell you or where they accessed a form. When you've done this this, target them with content tailored to their behaviour or interests.

Create journeys: Create journeys between your webpages to drive internal traffic and boost your site’s SEO. You may want to simplify your navigation and information architecture, and embed hyperlinks and CTAs within the body copy.

Optimise your pages: Google now ranks websites according to their mobile-friendliness in searches. Click here to find out if yours makes the grade. If it's not, consider things like design, text size and hyperlink positioning.

Post bite-sized content: Publish short blasts of high-quality content on a regular basis. This will drive your organic traffic – search engines love sites that keep their pages up to date with optimised content.

Promote your pages: If you’ve got something to shout about, promote pages using Pay Per Click (PPC) or display adverting for quick, measurable results. If you’ve got the budget, check out programmatic software.

Let robots do the hard work: Automating content gives you more time to monitor and improve your campaigns. Schedule things like social media posts or action-based emails to deliver timely, targeted communications.

Assess your performance: Analyse your data to see how your content is helping you reach your goals. Figure out what works well and what doesn’t then streamline your campaigns accordingly. Is your UX up to scratch?

Keep your finger on the pulse: The digital landscape is always changing so make sure you stay up to date with the latest trends. Feed your learning back into your content where appropriate to help you stay ahead of the game.

Content marketing can succeed without falling into the cat trap. We can help you make good strategic decisions and implement effective plans.

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